Our solution

Get location analysis at a glance in one second

Our data is unique

We have created an original decision making tool for REIM

Say bye bye to [incomplete/unstructured] datasets

We source and qualify location data to ensure full coverage of the European landscape. We present the same insights across all regions providing consistency and ease of understanding of the strengths and weakenesses of a location.

From location to real estate decision making tool

Our algorithms can be enhanced with market and building data to provide additional insights.


Introducing LISA

We have trained a model called LISA, wich learned from

~40,000Users local strategies
> 1,000,000Buildings price references
500,000+Buildings documentation

Site selection algorithms

Let's meet LISA our spatial AI

Suitability scoring

We have launched the LISA score (Location Intelligence Spatial Analytics) that allows you to discriminate locations according to the real estate use. It is a rarity score.

Best use analysis

The LISA score can be broken down into location data layers providing key analytics on the composition of the score and allowing to compare location between each other, allowing you to select the most relevant site(s).

Sobriety & environmental scores

The sustainability index provides insights into the impact of the location from a user's perspective. It considers the sobriety of the urban fabric. It allows to reduce distances that people needs to reach a building.

Thematic layers
Analytic layers
Market data


Unlock the power of geospatial IA

Profile analysis

Our unique profiling system can describe the needs of any user or investor to find the most relevant locations.

Find perfect users

Each location has its own characteristics and each users/investors has its own specifications. That's why a good location cannot be for each user. We match the offer and demand.

Strategy/Investment style builder

When you build or select your strategy blueprint in our system, you will be able to find in one second every location that matches it.

Accross Europe
Major asset class
Real time updated

Our partners

Technical partners

We use their services to produce Spatialzr

Data partners

We leverage their data to create our decision making model

Business partners

We works with high end industry players to share our technology

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